Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas, one of many to come:)

We had a fabulous holiday season. It started early with decorating the house and cookies. We had our Christmas at our house early this year due to our trip to California. We had a great time fitting in our own little family traditions. Then we headed off to CA where we dropped the kids off with Grandpa and Grandma and Dan and I took off to Vegas! It's the first time I've been away from the kids ever, and it was needed:) We had a great couple of days there and fit in a ton before heading back to CA for Christmas. Most of Dan's family came and we had a great time. Here are some pics to highlight the adventure!

Here is Savannah "putting up lights" on the play house.

Jack and Uncle Wilson. Jack favors his Grandpas and Uncles, especially when the play football with him.

Christmas Eve dinner.

Dressing up for the nativity.

Opening presents

The aftermath!

Jack with Dan's cousins, Dave, Michael, and Danny.

Some of the Girls at Grandma Bea's.

Jack with Aunt Lindsey and Aunt Jennie

Savannah with Aunt Jennie and Janice

Savannah and Jack with Uncle Rich

Snow White
Everyone watching a 3D movie

Coming up next will be pictures from our snow adventure.


erin said...

glad you guys had some time away! it is always nice ---

so, what traditions did you do at your house before cali???

can't wait to see more pics.

Lanenga Family said...

Finally! I've been waiting! Loves the pics! How did you enjoy shopping on the strip? Hope you are all well! :)

Jean Smith said...

geez...looks like it was one on-going party! by the way, you guys are one hot nativity family.