Posted by Dan and Brittany at 6:14 PM 4 comments
Here is Jack waiting for Dad and Savannah at the Tower of Terror. Isn't he just so cute:)
(This picture kept deleting on me, so I'll try to remember to put it up tomorrow)
Dad and Savannah getting off Star Tours. She just loves that ride too.
Savannah and Minnie
What happens on the way home from Disney World.
I took the kids again just this last Friday when Savannah had the day off school and have a few pictures from that too.
So the whole reason I really wanted to go was to see it decorated for Halloween, and here's what it looked like.
I know kind of disappointing, but oh well:)
Here is Savannah with Jasmine and Aladdin. This is the first time we have met them and she was very excited. Needless to say, Jack was not and did not want to get very close to them:)
Savannah got to drive the boat in the Jungle Cruise. She was so excited!
Thankfully they have a little splash park while we wait to see Ariel.
The kids right before we see her and after a long wait:)
And Jack really wanted to see Ariel. He loved the glitter on her top and was enthralled with her for some reason, must take after his dad:)
And here's the gang on Small World. One of Jack's favorites of the day.
Posted by Dan and Brittany at 1:07 PM 2 comments
Posted by Dan and Brittany at 12:32 PM 4 comments